
Showing posts from 2016

Edward Esiri Company Profile

E DWARD ESIRI COMPANY Profile.  Edward Esiri Company is the Regional Head of TFI FOUNDATION and CHILD CARE NETWORK AFRICA. He is a LIFE COACH and renowned well sought after speaker in Churches, Schools, Parent's forums, Women's / Single Sisters/ Youth Conventions. With over 25 years in the business of motivation and family care, Edward Esiri Company has reached out to more than 3,000 Schools and Churches. He is also the Regional Coordinator of the Foundation's Community " WASH " Project. (W ar A gainst S exual H arassment ). Which has been ongoing since 2001 within the Nation's Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions. States like; Lagos,Ogun,Oyo,Kwara,Ekiti,Anambra, Delta,Rivers,etc have benefited in no small way from the Project. He has Ministered in many Major Ministries over the years at various levels  with the Foundation's "PROJECT CHURCH ALERT" movement. Ministries like; RCCG (Redeemed Christian Church o...


HOW TO DESIGN THE PERFECT ROOM FOR TEEN AND PRE-TEEN GIRLS. Most of the girls rooms paint ideas start from pink or lilac. The most common girls rooms decorating ideas start with glamorous things like flowers and butterflies and other amazing fairytale elements. Sometimes these colors are combined with white and there are some cases when in the room doesn’t exist neither pink nor lilac in favor of green, light blue, orange or other bright colors. In the girls rooms you will always find proper furniture like a heart shaped mirror or chairs accessorized with pillows, ribbons and curtains in the same theme. The flower theme is an important element of design which is almost always present in every room. Every girl’s room needs a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and all the decorations which make the room special. Want an interior design eBook for free? Simply subscribe and download it  straight to your inbox. You'll get some of the best interior design inspiration you can find....


 FLUTED PUMPKIN (UGU) Health Benefits.  NIGERIAN FLUTED PUMPKIN (UGU) LEAVES AND SEEDS(Telfairia occidentalis) HAVE NOT ONLY HEALTHY EATING BENEFITS BUT HAVE COMMERCIAL AND MEDICINAL VALUES TOO! You can make smoothies out of Ugu by blending it with Apple or Mangoes  or Yoghurt and drink to get the best nutrition out of it.  Or,you can make delicious meals out of the vegetable for consumption by the whole family. Either way, you chose, you still get the best out of it.  Now let's have a closer look at this nature's wonder plant. Many of us don't realise the importance of the plants, trees, fruits, seeds; roots, leaves and various vegetables God,In His infinite mercy and wisdom created and made available for our use. Wherever, you are right now, look around you, can you see a fruit,seed, a plant, tree, some leaves; and vegetables? Have you ever asked who created them and for what purposes? We humans take many things for grante...


YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO FAIL YOUR  KIDS. Whether you are married or not,you can't afford to fail your kids. Either you have now or not,it is irrelevant. Your actions now can go a long way to either prepare a blessing for your kids or a curse. I was taking a stroll this evening and saw a man drive in a way that someone his age shouldn't.  In the process he almost hit a woman who was trying to get to the other side of the road. What happened next really got me thinking. The man in question was forced to come to a halt and the woman started raining curses upon the man,his wife who was sitting next to him on the passenger's side,their children whether they have or not but from the look of him one can conclude he does. I could only but wonder how embarrassing it was for the poor wife sitting by her husband and hearing this other woman rain curses upon their family. Friends,we must be careful how we lead our day to day life. He that favours another man's ...

Learn To Rest

AND YOU SHALL HAVE REST FOR YOUR SOUL! Ever wondered why we get so stressed out on daily basis? The answer is not far fetched. ...REST. We don't have enough of it. The other day, I woke up with a swollen feet and kept wondering and asking myself, how on earth did I get this? I couldn't remember hitting my feet anywhere or striking it against a stone for that matter. But when I cross checked with my Doctor,  I was amazed at his frank answer to my unending questions about how on earth could this be. He said "Mr Company you need REST. FRANKLY SPEAKING I haven't been giving myself much rest and I know it. But now with a swollen feet,what choice do I have?. So I have decided that henceforth I will take time to rest by doing things that I do not consider as work. I think everyone needs to consider this as well.  We all have just one life. No spare one in the bank. If you don't take care of it for yourself. ...Who will? I remain yours for great...

Oct 1st 2014...The Day I Met the Vice President.

OCTOBER 1st 2014@ THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD NATIONAL HEAD QUARTERS LAGOS,NIGER IA. ( FREEDOM 2014.) It was a glorious day for me. God gave me a superb message for the Teenagers " TAKE AWAY THE DROSS"  and I also had the privilege of meeting with the Number 2 Man in the country;  His Excellency Prof Yemi Osibajo. Only he wasn't the VP then but still a very powerful Man of God. This life...if you think you know everything about anyone, you could just be deceiving yourself.  Never you ever think you know this person and thus commonize that fellow. You may just be sitting with the next  President or next billionaire or next anything. We really can't see beyond our Nose. Stay blessed. Yours for great success, Edward Esiri Company.