21Billion people visited One Porn site in 2015...

After reading Mr Olatunji's post on Porn.  I did some findings of my own and discovered that 21 billion visited one particular Porn site in 2015 alone!!!!

Jesus Christ  !!!!. And from statistics more people view Porn sites on SUNDAYS! !!!
Listen to what this fellow said about Porn.
His name is Akande M. Olatunji.

Every second, 28,258 people view porn. Surprised?
The pornography industry’s revenue is larger than the revenues of the top technology companies ‘combined’: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink.
(Your jaw must have hit the floor!!!) .
Well, this is the truth!

Let me shock you again: People watch porn on Facebook.
If you've read my post on "how I conquered masturbation", then you'd know I was once a porn movies' lover.
I battled with this for several years.
Porn has more fans than Football.
Porn rose to fame when it became easily accessible.
Entry into the world of pornography is easy, but exiting is hard!
I know some of you reading this love watching porn videos. Well, relax. I will help you.
Pornography doesn’t need any intro, it has got more fans than football.
Porn is the only stuff out there that has hooked every age group into its net.
Children, Teenagers, Youths, Middle-agers, what more, even Grandpas and Grandmas are chained by this demon called porn.
Days when Porn addiction was a man thing is over, girls/women are equally addicted to porn.
In this Internet age, Porn is the most accessed stuff in the World Wide Web. Millions have been blinded by the instant pleasure it gives that they don’t detect the damage it is releasing in their lives.
You see, there were times I decided to stop watching porn but within a few days, I always found myself masturbating before my phone.
Every time you watch porn and feel bad, you declare- “This is the last time”, but before you know, you are there again with your eyes searching for a sexy video and your hands going down.
Before you throw your phone or your laptop away, permit me tell you that the problem is not your PHONE, it's your BRAIN.

Brain? Yes, you heard me right. Your BRAIN!
When you keep repeating a task, your brain forms something called a neuropath, which makes that task a habit in your life.
Smoking, drinking, watching porn or whatever become habits when a neuropath is formed in the brain by repetitive activity.
Your Brain is a sexual organ, sex is not just about your "pinky" below.

What Porn does is that it corrupts the normal process and makes you experience pleasure by the release of Sperm.
And this experience gets printed in your memory that you start seeking that pleasure again.
Seeking pleasure is not wrong, but seeking it in the wrong place is wrong. The Wrong place here is Porn.

As your memory brings that experience to light, it will also tell you how you experienced that pleasure last time and will lead you back to porn.

And that’s how the cycle starts.
Before you know, you are addicted to pornography, you are addicted to sex.
Okay, bare with me to release a little more preachy stuff, then we’ll get practical.
Porn addicts are not just in the clubs and pubs.
They are seated in our Church seats every Sunday morning, they are up in the stage leading worship, they are also up in the pulpit preaching.

Hands that were found masturbating are Holding the famed black book on Sunday.
This is the most horrible disease to hit mankind. It’s time to get it out of your life and eradicate it with the power of God.
Understand this first:
Internet Filters or Porn Adult Content Alerts doesn't bring freedom.
They just keep your addiction under control. You have to kill it, not keep it under control.
People watch porn in the comfort of their room, without anyone watching.
Problem starts not when you get caught watching nude folks, problem starts the moment you start watching.

The more you watch, the more messed up your mind will become.
Watching Porn is like playing with loaded shotgun, you are going to blow your head off for sure.
It is suicidal. God designed sex to be enjoyed between a man and a woman in marriage not to be enjoyed with your laptop or phone.
God’s design is better than the devil’s design, porn is just a cheap alternative.

PORN IS FAKE SEX. Don’t settle for the fake, when you can experience the real thing.
Studies reveal that Sexual intimacy and pleasure in marriage increases when sexual addictions are broken.
You don’t trade an IPhone for a pencil. Don’t trade the real thing for the devil’s cheap alternative.
Are you a believer? Do you still get caught by the claws of pornography?
Well, let me shock you with this truth:

“Oh Brother Tunji, If I have been set free and transformed, Why am I watching Porn again and again?”

Because you don’t know who you are and what you have in Christ!
“I know what Jesus did for me but I’m still struggling, Why?”
Because you have not rewired your brain. Your brain was rewired to corruption by porn, now you have to rewire it to purity by the truth.

Freedom from porn happens when your mind is filled with the truth of who you are and what you have in Christ.
You have freedom, you can say No to porn!
The battle is in your mind. When the devil drops a sexual desire in your mind and urges you to watch porn, retaliate with the truth: “I’m not going to watch. Jesus has set me free. I’m a child of God, I’m a New creation. Back off devil”.

Freedom from porn is available only through the finished work of Jesus.
When you get the spirits of lust out, receive His finished work and accept your new identity, you will experience freedom!
You can be a Porn addict, you can even be a Porn star, God loves you.
He loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to be stuck in porn because porn is destructive.
He loves you so much that He planned the cross even before you were born to get you back to Him.
He loves you when you are not watching porn, He loves you when you are watching porn and He loves you when you have just finished watching porn.
When you are playing with porn, He is not mad, He is sad.
He wants you to take hold of the finished work of Jesus and be free.
He wants to walk with you. You may have messed up big time, it doesn’t matter.
He is always waiting for you with open arms. He is your Daddy and when you spend time everyday soaking in His Love, your love for porn will disappear.
You will find out that you can’t love God and porn, and you will be undone by His goodness that you will kick porn out.
Everyday, take time off, close your eyes and receive His Love for you.
He is a Good Daddy.
Stay aware of the Finished Work of Jesus.
Our minds work like hard drives, your input determines your output.
You must fill your mind with God’s Word and keep it from being polluted by the world!
I look forward to hearing your testimony!
My book, "JESUS IN. PORN OUT" will soon be ready in soft and hard copies.
Remain blessed.
God Bless you Akande M. Olatunji


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